
Recently watched a movie called Kuckoo along with my wife.We both loved the movie.

Its by a debutant director Raju Murugan.The movie unfolds as the director playing himself in the movie narrates the story.Its based on real life characters he met during his days as a reporter in a Tamil magazine.

Its a love story allright but what is different is the lead characters.The story is about two visually challenged(or should i say Aurally gifted) people,how they get to know ,fight and eventually become lovers.(A happy go lucky guy and a serious girl)Again what seperates them and do they finally join in the end is the movie.But there are many things which i liked regardin the way in which director has directed the movie.Firstly he shows the visually challenged people as a normal bunch of people without too much drama.The more important thing is all the characters  in the movie are real.No larger than life heroes/villains.No body is unneccesarily shown as negative characters.Even the so called negative characters are somebody who are selfish and not bad ones.At the same time there are many characters who are shown as good persons/samaritans.This is the kind of positive reinforcement people need today.All we get to say normally in the movie is a big bad world out there ready to devour you.This is a welcome change.
Camera work is also impressive.Especially i loved scene in a song which just passes in a nano second - where a visually challenged person playing a flute but at the background a train moving in its tracks looks as if its coming out of one end of the flute as if it is a tunnel.(Not sure if everyone noticed.Dont remember the song)
Everybody is writing review that Dinesh/Lead actress deserves a award for acting.But i would say it should go to the Visually challenged actors who are really brilliant and natural.Both male and female supporting roles of hero and heroine.But surely Dinesh and lead actress have done a superb job who look almost like really visually challenged.
Many characters stay with us for a long time.The chandrababu look alike,sales man friend,MGR look alike,Good samaritan who saves both the lead characters.
The music is awesome.Songs are again relevant and does not feel thrusted.Especially the song "Aagasatha" with a western classic touch moves your heart.Even the BGM is superb in many places.
I did not understand one scene  or rather the reason of that scene in the movie.Its the scene where the heroine is dissappointed that the character with whom she had a one sided attraction introuced his fiance.The fiance is shown donating her old dresses over lunch and trying to take her pic as she says "There will be lot of likes for this pic in facebook" with an intention to show the so called phoney people calling themselves service minded.He tries to suggest that they are exploiting.Then how different is the director himself who has made a movie out of the characters he has met in real life.I dont know how that does not fall under exploitation?So if the youngsters do take a pic to put in FB so what?Atleast it will make some people do that stuff which might make some needy people happy.Not sure why there is so much hatred /effort to show youngsters as selfish.
But that apart the director defintely deserves a pat for taking a movie that is not run off the mill.
The whole movie is poetic(Words Stolen from my wife).


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