
Showing posts from December, 2009

Inglorius Basterds

I had come across the name of Quentin Tarantino's name as a cult movie director who kinda revolutionised film making and all that stuff.His movie 'Pulp Fiction' which is considered a cult movie. But honestly i had seen pulp fiction once and could not understand head or tail of it.Probably i had seen the movie earlier when my ability to comprehend was poor. Recently i had read rave reviews about his 'Inglorious Basterds' and also about a new actor Christoph Waltz and wanted to see that very badly.I did manage to buy a DVD with english subtitle and see the movie. I now understood why Tarantino is such a celeberated director.Such an amazing screenplay.It so slick that you dont feel for a moment that it is a period film set in 1940s. The story goes like this.Col Hans Landa(CHristoph Waltz) is the top gun of the dreaded SS unit of Nazi which is entrusted with the task of Jew genocide.He is so good that he has earned a nick name 'The Jew Hunter'. Mean while Lt.Al