
Showing posts from 2009

Inglorius Basterds

I had come across the name of Quentin Tarantino's name as a cult movie director who kinda revolutionised film making and all that stuff.His movie 'Pulp Fiction' which is considered a cult movie. But honestly i had seen pulp fiction once and could not understand head or tail of it.Probably i had seen the movie earlier when my ability to comprehend was poor. Recently i had read rave reviews about his 'Inglorious Basterds' and also about a new actor Christoph Waltz and wanted to see that very badly.I did manage to buy a DVD with english subtitle and see the movie. I now understood why Tarantino is such a celeberated director.Such an amazing screenplay.It so slick that you dont feel for a moment that it is a period film set in 1940s. The story goes like this.Col Hans Landa(CHristoph Waltz) is the top gun of the dreaded SS unit of Nazi which is entrusted with the task of Jew genocide.He is so good that he has earned a nick name 'The Jew Hunter'. Mean while Lt.Al

Nadodigal(Nomads)-Tamil Movie

Impressed by this movie which i saw recently.I think Tamil Cinema is going through one of its best phase right now If i may say so.Lot of films are being made with substance. Strong,Simple and uncluttered story line is the biggest strength of this movie.Story is about three thick friends played by protogonist Sasikumar,Vijay(Of Chennai 600028) and Balaji (of Kalloori)who have got their own aim.Everybody's character is clearly told to the audience in the first 30 mins.3 friends try to unite a friend with his lover against all odds.They succeed in doing that which is the end of the first half.But they pay a heavy price as their life takes topsy turn and leads to a brief phase of gloom.Despit all this they are happy as they believe that the couple they united are happy.They slowly turn all the impediments as stepping stones.But when thye come to know that the couple has split they feel cheated and demand an explanation.They all get furious when they are not given audience by the sa

slumdog milionaire-why so much hype?

I saw the movie.I could never believe the amount of hype that has been created for such an ordinary film.As far as i know its not a waste of time if u watch.notin more than that.its ordinary than some bollywood films.I have seen a lot of good movies in english but this movie is no way even a tiny bit near to that. Golden globe and BAFTA for Rahmans score.I guess he would be more puzzled than me.He has done much better work.This is not even ordinary among his work. Simply put lets leave it to the conscience of the makers of the movie and rahman.Let them decide whether they really deserve this.